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7 Must-Have Medications When Travelling

by Roman Lester Rosales, Pharmacist

A good travel is only as good as the memories it brings. Be it a short business trip or a long vacation, you wouldn’t want to spoil it by falling sick.

That’s when the bringing the right medication will come in handy, especially if medical treatment is not readily available. Read on to find out what medications to bring when you travel!

Long-term medications, if any

If you are on any long-term medications (e.g. for high blood pressure or diabetes), it is important to visit your physician to get enough or extra supply for the duration of the trip.

Most of these medications require a prescription and may not be available elsewhere. Hence, it will also be useful to bring a letter from the doctor stating the medications you are currently on.

Say NO to nausea

Motion sickness tablets are one of the most common medicines one should have, especially when the trip involves long flights, boat rides or land transfers. These medications include dimenhydrinate and cinnarizine, which may cause drowsiness.

Non-drowsy alternatives include ginger tablets or travel sickness bands that are available in pharmacies.

For the little sniffles and the like

Paracetamol or ibuprofen can come in handy when you need relief for slight headaches, pain or fever. For individuals with minor food, pollen or dust allergies, antihistamines may be the perfect solution when you’re travelling.

Besides, antihistamines can also provide relief from runny nose. Throat lozenges are useful when relieving sore throat or a dry cough.

Do away with diarrhoea

When travelling, always remember to bring along anti-diarrhoeal medicines, especially when visiting places with poor sanitation.

Charcoal tablets and pharmacy-only medications like loperamide or diphenoxylate/atropine can alleviate diarrhoea, or stop unnecessary bowel movements.

When taking such medications, remember to replenish the salts and water lost through vomiting or frequent watery stools!

Customised medicines for the country of travel

Before your trip, research on the country you’re visiting and find out if there are infectious diseases in those areas. Then, consult a doctor or pharmacist for recommendations on the suitable medications you will need.

As per your doctor’s advice

You may wish to consult your doctor for other essential medications that are required, for instance, vaccination, and hormone tablets for ladies.

It is hence important that you see a doctor before your trip and obtain medications for any relevant health problems.

First aid & lotions

Overseas trips are always hard to predict – bringing along a mini first aid kit will have you prepared when you or your travel companions get minor cuts and blisters.

If you’re all out to bask in the sun, remember to protect your skin by applying sunblock with the right SPF. Aloe vera gel or moisturisers can also be used on sunburnt areas to soothe the pain.


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