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Protecting Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Advisory by Alvin Ong, Guardian Pharmacy Manager

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases that are usually acquired through sexual contact. However, they can also be transmitted through other means. The micro-organisms that are responsible for STDs may pass on from an individual to another through blood, semen, vaginal or other bodily fluids. As STDs can infect both men and women, regardless of age, it is therefore important for every sexually active individual to be well informed on STDs and the consequences of contracting them.

There are currently more than 20 different STDs which have been identified. They can be broadly classified as:

  • Bacterial (e.g. gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia)
  • Viral (e.g. human papilloma virus, genital herpes, HIV)
  • Fungal (e.g. candidiasis)
  • Parasitic (e.g. pubic lice, scabies)
  • Protozoal (e.g. trichomoniasis)

Risk factors
Having unprotected sex or having multiple sex partners are high-risk behaviours that increase the chances of contracting STDs. In fact, any sexual contact involving bodily fluids with an infected person would carry the risk of transmission.

STDs can also be passed on from a mother to an infant during pregnancy or childbirth, or through blood transfusions or shared needles.

Signs & symptoms
It is important to note that while common STDs present a variety of symptoms, many STDs may not develop any symptoms at all until a much later stage. Some infected individuals may not even realise that they are infected until complications occur or when a partner is diagnosed.

Signs and symptoms vary. They may include:

  • Sores or bumps on genitals, oral or rectal area
  • Painful or burning urination
  • Unusual discharge from penis/vagina
  • Pain during sex

Therefore, it is imperative that if you are engaged in high-risk sexual activities, you should be screened as early as possible.

Seeking medical attention
Many individuals with an STD may be too embarrassed or frightened to ask for help or seek further information. While some STDs may not be fully treatable, some can be fully treated if one seeks an early treatment before any permanent damage is done. With early treatment, the spread of the disease can be managed and contained. One should avoid all sexual activities while being treated for an STD.

Once the presence of STD is confirmed, current and past sexual partners should be informed so that they can get tested and treated, if infected. This effectively limits the spread of STDs.

Depending on the type of STD, medical treatments will differ. Prescription medications for the respective STDs will be necessary to treat and manage the signs and symptoms. As it is already traumatic enough to find out that one is infected with an STD, coping with the condition is important. Always be truthful to your healthcare professionals so that appropriate testing and treatments can be carried out. If you need psychological help, do not hesitate to inform them as well.

These are some of the ways which prevent or reduce the risk of contracting STDs:

  • Abstain from sex entirely until after marriage or after both partners have been tested for STDs.
  • Couples should always remain faithful to each other and stay monogamous with one uninfected partner.
  • Get vaccinated early before sexual exposure, for example against HPV.
  • Practise safe sex and always use protection (e.g. condoms) consistently and correctly for all sexual activities. Be careful not to use an oil-based lubricant, such as petroleum jelly, with a latex condom.
  • Always be in control and do not let emotions or alcohol influence your judgement.
  • Equip young children with proper sex education and make them understand the risks of sexual activities.


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